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  • 作者:     发布时间:2019-05-05    
  • 讲座内容(一):文本分析专题


    讲座教师:谭红平副教授,加拿大麦吉尔大学Desautels 管理学院会计系








    讲座内容(三):The impact of a forward-looking supply-chain risk

    disclosure on the SEO discount: Evidence from a textual







    讲座教师:谭红平副教授,加拿大麦吉尔大学Desautels 管理学院会计系





    谭红平,加拿大麦吉尔大学Desautels 管理学院副教授,bet356体育亚洲版在线官网文澜讲座教授。武汉大学经济学硕士,Queen’s University会计学博士,曾在加拿大滑铁卢大学、约克大学等任教。主要研究分析师相关问题,在Journal of Accounting ResearchJournal of Accounting and EconomicsJournal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Financial EconomicsThe Accounting Review等国际顶级会计、财务期刊发表论文多篇。

    (1)Mark Bradshaw,Alan Huang,Hongping Tan,The Effects of Analyst-Country Institutions on Biased Research:Evidence from Target Prices,Journal of Accounting Research, 2018,Forthcoming.

    (2) Shannon Lin,Hongping Tan, Zenan Zhang,When Analysts Talk,Do Institutional Investors Listen? Evidence from Target Price Changes and Institutional Trading,Financial Review,2016, Vol.51.

    (3) Patricia C. O'Brien, Hongping Tan.Geographic Proximity and IPO Firm Coverage, Journal of Accounting and Economics,2015, Vol. 59 (1).

    (4) Kee-Hong Bae, Arzu Ozoguz, Hongping Tan ,Tony S. Wirjanto.Do Foreigners Facilitate Information Transmission in Emerging Market? Journal of Financial Economics, 2012, Vol.105.

    (5) Hongping Tan,Shiheng Wang,Mike Welker,Foreign Analyst Following and Forecast Accuracy after Mandated IFRS Adoptions,Journal of Accounting Research,2011, Vol.49 (5).

    (6) Kee-Hong Bae,René Stulz,Hongping Tan,Do Local Analysts Know More?A Cross-country Study of the Performance of Local Analysts and Foreign Analysts,Journal of Financial Economics, 2008, Vol.88.

    (7) Kee-Hong Bae,Hongping Tan,Michael Welker,International GAAP Differences:The Impact on Foreign Analysts,The Accounting Review, 2008 , Vol. 83.


    胡楠西安交通大学管理学院会计系教授、博士生导师。美国德克萨斯州大学达拉斯分校博士。前新加坡管理大学、威斯康辛大学、以及斯蒂文思理工学院教师和博士生导师。他的研究主要集中在通过运用交叉学科(会计,金融,市场,信息和计算机)的方法研究在线用户行为,社交网络,非结构数据对金融股票市场的影响。前期在基于在线用户内容(包含但不限于用户评论、博客等)以及行为的信息质量和信息经济价值方向上做了大量前瞻性的工作。近期,在上市公司非结构数据的信息抽取、信息价值以及在公司之间的网络关系传播,以及Credit Default Swap上做了大量基础和应用的研究。截止目前,在计算机科学、会计、金融、市场以及信息科学等领域发表了八十多篇学术论文和会议论文。研究成果也被业界知名企业如苹果、亚马逊等公司咨询和运用。谷歌引用过3200次。他是Springer单篇论文引用前1%的作者,也是SSRN累计下载全球排名前10%的作者。胡楠教授的主要研究成果发表比如会计领域的JAAF, JBFA, JAPP, RQFA, Abacus等,信息领域的MISQ, JMIS, CACM, DSS, IEEE TEM, JBR,运筹领域的POM,以及会计领域的AAAEAA会议,金融领域的FMAEFA, WFA会议, 计算机领域的World Wide Web (WWW) 会议,信息领域的ICISWISEAMCISHICSS会议,信息安全领域的USENIX会议,电子商务领域的ACMEC会议,以及管理领域的AOM会议等。

    (1) Nan Hu, Fisher Ke, Ling Liu, and Yue Zhang,Risk Pooling, Supply Chain Hierarchy, and Analyst Forecasts, Production and Operations Management,2019, .

    (2) Nan HU, Jennifer Zhang, and Paul Pavlou, On Self-Selection Biases in Online Product Reviews, forthcoming MIS Quarterly, Vol. 41 No. 2, 2017.

    (3) Rajiv D. Banker, Nan Hu, Paul A. Pavlou, and Jerry Luftman, CIO Reporting Structure, Strategic Positioning, and Firm Performance, MIS Quarterly, 2011, Volume 35, Issue 2.

    (4) Yi Dong, Nan Hu, Xu Li, and Ling Liu, Analyst Firm Coverage and Forecast Accuracy: The Effect of Regulation Fair Disclosure,Abacus, 2017, .

    (5) Nan Hu, Ling Liu, and Lu Zhu, Financial Report Readability and Credit Default Swaps Spreads, forthcoming Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2017 .

    (6) Jie Han , Nan Hu, and Ling Liu,Does Director Interlock Impact the Diffusion of Accounting Method Choice?, forthcoming Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2017.

    (7) Xuelian Bai, Nan Hu, Ling Liu, and Lu Zhu, Credit Default Swap and Stock Synchronicity, forthcoming Journal of Financial Stability, 2017.

    (8)Yi Dong and Nan Hu, The Impact of NASD Rule 2711 and NYSE Rule 472 on Analyst Behavior- An Investigation of Analyst Recommendations on Weekends, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 2016 , 43(7) & (8).

    (9) Nan Hu, Yi Dong, Ling Liu, and Lee J. Yao ,Not all those glitters is gold: The effect of attention and blogs on the investors’ investing behaviors, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 2011.

    (10) Chunhui Liu, Lee J. Yao, Nan Hu, and Ling Liu, The impact of IFRS on accounting quality in a regulated market: an empirical study of China, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 2011, vol. 26 no. 4.

    (11) Baojun Gao, Nan Hu, and Indranil Bose, Follow the herd or be myself? An analysis of consistency in behavior of reviewers and helpfulness of their reviews, Decision Support Systems, 2016.

    (12) Nan Hu, K.E. Dow, A.Y.L. Chong, Ling Liu, Double learning or double blinding: an investigation of vendor private information acquisition and consumer learning via online reviews”, Annals of Operations Research, 2016 .

    (13) Jie Han, Indranil Bose, Nan Hu, Baolei Qi, Gaoliang Tian, Does Director Interlock Impact Corporate R&D Investment?, Decision Support Systems, 2015 , Volume 71.

    (14) Jennifer Zhang, Nan Hu, and M.K. Raja., Digital certificate management: Optimal pricing and CRL releasing strategies, Decision Support System, 2014, Volume 58.

    (15) Nan HU, Noi Sian KOH, Srinivas K REDDY,Ratings Lead You To The Product, Reviews Help You Clinch It? The Mediating Role of Online Review Sentiments on Product Sales, Decision Support System, 2014.Volume 57.

    (16) Ling Liu, Daniel Q. Chen, Indranil Bose, Nan Hu, Garry D. Bruton, Core Versus Peripheral Information Technology Employees and Their Impact on Firm Performance, Decision Support System , 2013,55.

    (17) Nan HU and Ling LIU, Do Links Matter? An Investigation of the Impact of Consumer Feedback, Recommendation Networks, and Price Bundling on Sales, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2012, VOL. 59, NO. 2.

    (18) Nan HU, Indranil BOSE, Ling LIU, and NoiSian Koh, Manipulation of online reviews , An analysis of ratings, readability, and sentiments , Decision Support System ,2012,52 (3).

    (19) Nan HU, Ling Liu, Arindam Tripathy, Lee Yao, Value relevance of blog visibility, Journal of Business Research (JBR), 2011,Volume 64, Issue 12.

    (20) Nan HU, Indranil BOSE, and Ling LIU, Manipulation in digital word-of-mouth: A reality check for book reviews, Decision Support Systems (DSS) , 2011, Volume 50, Issue 3.

    (21) Nan HU, Ling LIU, and Vallabh SAMBAMURTHY, Fraud Detection in Online Consumer Reviews, Decision Support Systems (DSS), 2011, Volume 50, Issue 3.

    (23) Nan HU, Hasan CAVUSOGLU, Yingjiu LI, and Dan MA, Information Technology Diffusion with Influentials, Imitators, and Opponents: Model and Preliminary Evidence, Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) , 2010,27(2).

    (24) Nan HU, Pavlou PAUL, and Jennifer ZHANG, Overcoming the J-shaped Distribution of Product Reviews, Communications of the ACM,2009, 52, 10.

    (25) oi Sian KOH, Nan HU, Eric K CLEMONS,Do Online Reviews Reflect a Product's True Perceived Quality? - An Investigation of Online Movie Reviews across Cultures,NElectronic Commerce Research and Applications,2010 ,9 (5).

    (26) Nan HU, Ling LIU, and Jennifer ZHANG, Do online Reviews Affect Product Sales? The Role of Reviewer Characteristics and Temporal Effects,Information Technology and Management, 2008, 9, 3.


    何捷,bet356体育亚洲版在线官网助理教授,北京大学会计学博士。主要从事信息披露、文本分析、客户与供应商等领域问题研究,在经济研究、管理世界、会计研究、审计研究、金融研究、中国会计与财务研究、International Review of Economics & Finance等杂志发表论文多篇。

    (1)Does Underwriter Rating Matter? Evidence from Seasoned Equity Offerings in an Emerging Market, International Review of Economics & Finance , 2019, Vol. 61.





    (6)Unexpected information, Investors Attention and the Contagion Effect of IPO Firms’ Giving Up, China Accounting and Finance Review2016, Vol. 3.







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